I am very smart boy. I am dreamming wide, just feel the moemnt and do my best to get all that life offers. I am not the one who will be influnced by people's attitude. I living my life at maximum, with colors and unforgettable moments. I guess just being the best form of yourself is the scope of this life. I am very smart boy. I am dreamming wide, just feel the moemnt and do my best to get all that life offers. I am not the one who will be influnced by people's attitude. I living my life at maximum, with colors and unforgettable moments. I guess just being the best form of yourself is the scope of this life.


Date Start/End Experience
2.09.2018 Scoala primara nr.90"

am participat la concursul de limba romana si am luat locul doi
26.01.2018 Robo code

Am participat la hacaton si am fost printre primii

SKILLS: C++, HTML, JavaScript


Date Start/End Experience
01.09.2035 ?"

o sa incerc sa particip la diferite cuncursuri .
01.01.2022 M.Eminescu, Spiru haret,Iulia Hasdeu

sunt liceurile la care osa aleg sa merg la liceu

SKILLS: C++, HTML, JavaScript

my life

Date Start/End Experience
22.04.2037 angajat "

poate inginer ori altceva.
01.01.2022 M.Eminescu

Am dat testul BAC-ul

SKILLS: C++, HTML, JavaScript


Date Start/End Experience
22.04.2021 Robocode
Dezvoltare de roboti, senzori, programare in C++, HTML, JavaScript etc.
01.01.2022 Arobs

SKILLS: C++, HTML, JavaScript